How to Search Tabs in Google Chrome on an iPhone

  1. Open the Google Chrome app on your iPhone.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, tap the Tabs icon.
  3. At the top left of the screen, tap the Search icon.
  4. Type the keyword or phrase you want to search for.
  5. The results will show you all the tabs that contain the keyword or phrase you searched for.
  6. Tap the tab you want to open.

Here are some additional tips for searching tabs in Google Chrome on an iPhone:

  • You can also search for tabs by website name. To do this, type the website name in the search bar and tap the Search icon.
  • You can use the Recent tabs list to quickly find tabs that you’ve recently opened. To view the Recent tabs list, tap the Tabs icon and then swipe up on the screen.
  • You can also use the Closed tabs list to find tabs that you’ve closed recently. To view the Closed tabs list, tap the Tabs icon and then swipe down on the screen.
  • You can clear all of your open tabs by tapping the Clear all tabs button at the bottom of the Tabs screen.

I hope this helps!

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